How will your spiritual house fair in the midst of a storm? Are there things between you and God? Is He actually the Lord of your life? Listen as Pastor Newland shares thoughts from Luke 6:46-49
Twisted Words
Church Judging
When the Government can't save you...
In Afghanistan US Citizens are looking to the US Government to save them. Will they? Can they save them? To whom is your allegiance, the Government, a President, a political party? Today we look at scripture to hear about three Jewish men that put it all on the line for God in defiance of a Chaldean King.
Are you in Awe of your Husband?
Hope in Hopelessness
Fear seems to be everywhere. In this message Pastor Newland shares insights from 2 Timothy 1:7 and other Biblical texts on the topic of fear - whether fear of COVID, Global Warming, fear of being cancelled or some other fear. Fear is affecting our society and our government. How are you responding to fear?