In this message our Pastor uses a near tragic story to relate insights from scripture. We are reminded to be thankful. That in being thankful, we remember from where we have come spiritually. That reminder serves as a warning not to repeat some of the near tragic choices of our past. Be Thankful.
Entangled in Information
Internet, Cell Phones, social media in addition to face-to-face conversations are some of the ways we share and receive information. But not all information is helpful. Not all debates are beneficial. Not all thing that are called religious are Christian. Listen as our Pastor shares insights from Scripture.
The Lord is my Shepherd
Ever try to have your cake and eat it too? If you eat the cake there won't be any to keep, you can't keep the cake and eat it. In the message today the Pastor speaks to us from the book of James where the scripture talks to us about being double minded. How does that relate to a cake...well...take a listen and find out.
Christian Citizenship
Too Much Knowledge
Are you familiar with the phrase 'Too smart for their own good'? In today's message Pastor Newland touches on the trend of rationalizing our behavior through rationalizations that are based on part of scripture and not scripture in its totality that is taking place in Christian circles and denominations. He shares examples of this approach in how some are responding to the LGBT community, vulgarity in daily language and food choices.
Spiritual Realm and Angels
Virtue Signaling
Conversations with a Pastor
In this message our Pastor shares insights regarding conversations he has had with people he didn't know. Then has a conversation of sorts, with us, as though we were that person on the airplane, subway, or in the wrecker pulling his broke down car. Care to listen in on how he would probably respond to the questions that would come up?