Did Jesus say anything about us being perfect? Is it possible to be perfect? Can I achieve it in this life? Is it possible to not sin daily?
Running the Race
In the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians, he shares encouragement to the people of Philippi on running a spiritual race, by using terminology and illustrations that we might associate with participating in a track meet. But, since Philippi was in Ancient Greece, they would likely have associated with the Olympics that were taking place in Greece around the time the letter was written.
Beware of Dogs!
Let It Shine
Is Jesus God?
What is Right?
Grace and Peace
Listen as we begin our series on Philippians by sharing the Apostle Paul's greeting to the saints at Philippi. In this message Pastor Newland provides some of the historical context of Paul's ministry to the Philippians and also shares the wealth of information and encouragement found in the 2 verses of Paul's greeting.